Know Yourself ... Grow Yourself

How well do you really know yourself?
Are you in touch with your strengths and areas of improvement?
What steps do you take to grow your skills, improve your relationships, and overcome obstacles?
What’s your plan for your personal growth journey?

The Know Yourself... Grow Yourself coaching series can help answer these questions so you can reach your full potential.

Invest in Yourself Today!
What People are Saying about the Know Yourself ... Grow Yourself Coaching Sessions

"The group coaching sessions were amazing. Going through the video summary of each Law of Growth and sharing our thoughts with each other enabled me learn more about myself, the value of personal growth and appreciate the diversity that each individual brought.

Colette provided an open and safe space for us to share our personal experiences and learnings arising out of the topics covered in the course. Thank you, Colette, for taking us through an amazing journey and your warmth in every session."

- Clara Musama, Nigeria West Africa (December 2021)

"Taking the course with Colette and my fellow participants was exactly what I needed for where I was at in life. I have been following and reading John Maxwell for many years. This is the first course I have taken and I was blown away. The information presented was so on point it was unbelievable. Colette’s leadership style and ability to involve each of us and bring us together as it related to the information, was paramount to us all getting what we needed from the information."

- Shellene Dirk (January 2022)

Take the first step in your personal growth journey

Know Yourself ... Grow Yourself includes three different product offerings so you can choose the one that's right for you.

Mini Coaching Session

Do you believe in yourself? Would you bet on yourself to win? Our Mini Coaching Session includes two prerecorded videos that dive into this topic in depth. With Colette Closes’ guidance, you’ll discover the importance of being intentional in your growth development and how to get started on your personal growth journey. You’ll also look at the value you place on yourself and others.

Are you ready to invest in yourself?

Growth Coaching in a
Group Environment

Join a group of like-minded individuals and journey through The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth according to the world’s foremost leadership expert, John C. Maxwell. During four weeks of live, virtual sessions, Colette Close guides your understanding of the laws and provides coaching so you can implement them into your daily life. When you learn — and live by — these laws, you can reach your full potential.

Join the Growth Group now!

One-on-One Growth Coaching

Do you have a coach taking you through your growth journey right now? It’s hard to improve when you have no one but yourself to follow. After all, they say the hardest person to lead is you. Instead of thinking you need to do more work, start thinking about what works. Through four weeks of one-on-one coaching, Colette Close challenges you to think and grow. When you make growth a priority and pursue it in small, intentional ways every day, you will experience gradual, consistent growth.

Are you up to the challenge?
"If you invest in yourself today, your future self will thank you." - Colette Close

Why Pursue Personal Growth?

Growth in the natural world is all about looking forward. A sapling becomes a mighty oak by growing slowly over time. Just like a sapling, when you make growth a priority and pursue it in small, intentional ways every day, you will experience gradual, consistent change. Growth is a difference-maker that helps strengthen your hope so you can look forward and imagine a better future.

Having a growth plan helps us understand our strengths and weaknesses. As a result, we’re more likely to achieve our career goals, build stronger teams, and improve our business outcomes. It creates momentum, which encourages more growth. It makes us better as individuals and leaders, gives us hope, and opens doors.


Which Know Yourself ... Grow Yourself coaching series will you choose?

Mini Coaching Session Prerecored videos by Colette


For Purchase

What you get:

  • Two prerecorded videos about The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth
  • Learning materials for each session
  • 24/7 lifetime access



Grab it Today!

Growth Coaching in a Group Environment


Per Person

What you get:

  • Four live, virtual coaching group sessions hosted by Colette Close on Wednesdays at noon MST
  • 15 prerecored videos about The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth
  • Learning materials for each video
  • A complimentary six-page Personality Profile
  • 24/7 lifetime access

Join Growth Group!

One-on-One Growth Coaching


Per Individual

What you get:

  • Four live, virtual coaching individual session with Colette Close
  • 15 prerecorded about The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth
  • Learning materials for each video
  • A complimentary six-page Personalty Profile
  • 24/7 lifetime access


Ready to Grow!
What People are Saying about the Know Yourself ... Grow Yourself Coaching Sessions

"Colette taught me in this coaching session that: It’s OK to take care of me by knowing and respecting myself and that it’s ok to take care of others and respecting others by knowing my limitations. We are all imperfect so that we are perfect in our own growth. Thank you Colette. You made and make me feel valued."

- Carmen Jubenville (December 2021)

As a certified member of the Maxwell Leadership Team, Colette Close will take you through “The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth” based on the book by John C. Maxwell. With more than five years of training and experience in delivering John’s leadership strategies, Colette will help you discover your purpose and personal development opportunities.

To grow as an individual and leader, you need to put the Laws of Growth into action, not only learn them. Live these Laws, and reach your potential. The journey will be worth it.

Designed and delivered by leadership coach Colette Close of UpCloseTeam, Know Yourself … Grow Yourself is a series of coaching sessions that allows you to get to know yourself better. Built on Colette’s personal experience, training, and growth practices, this program helps maximize your strengths so you can grow as an individual and leader. Colette also draws insight, intellect, and best practices from her mentor and friend John C. Maxwell’s book The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth. The result is a comprehensive learning journey that opens up a world of possibilities.